4 Ways The Great Outdoors Makes You More Creative


It’s the marriage of the soul with nature that makes intellect fruitful, and gives birth to imagination. – Henry David Thoreau

The more time we spend in The Great Outdoors, the less we’re subjected to the daily hustle and bustle. That’s gold if you’re a creative individual. Creativity isn’t developed in a vacuum. We need to nourish our creative spark. Getting out into nature might be the best way to do that.

In an article in National Geographic, it’s noted that not only is The Great Outdoors good for creativity, it’s also good for our health. There are many benefits.

Researchers at the University of Illinois are investigating whether time in the woods could be used to supplement treatment of ADD. A study at the University of Kansas found that young people who backpacked for three days showed higher creativity and cognitive abilities. People in hospitals who can see a natural landscape have been shown to get better faster.

The Great Outdoors is wonderful and does wonders for the creative mind. Here are four simple ways that nature makes you more creative:

1. Nature Gets You Moving

According to The Huffington Post, “Researchers noted that regular exercise seems to be associated with improved divergent and convergent thinking, which are considered the two components of creative thinking.”

Therefore, exercising on a regular basis may stimulate creative thinking. For me, trips into nature are always a great way to energize my creative muse. If you want to be more creative, get outdoors more often.

2. Nature Offers Peace And Quiet

In a word, the #1 creative habit is solitude. Leo Babauta at Zen Habits says, “Creativity flourishes in solitude. With quiet, you can hear your thoughts, you can reach deep within yourself, you can focus.”

Studies have shown that quiet can motivate creativity, but not perfect quiet. Subtle low-volume noises actually stimulate creativity. This makes nature a perfect place for creative reflection. The wind, running water, birds, and other sounds of nature offer low-volume white noise.


3. Nature Is A Giant Work Of Art

There’s no denying the fact that nature is beautiful. Art is everywhere in nature. Famous photographers and painters have made entire creative careers in the art capturing the beauty of landscape.

When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence. – Ansel Adams

In an article at The Center For Creative Photography, it’s noted that Ansel Adams studied intimate details of nature through his camera. The Great Outdoors was a direct influence on his creative process. Nature herself was the work of art that inspired Ansel Adams, and thousands of other great artists.

4. Nature Is Abstract

When we are given abstract figures and asked to decide what they are, we are naturally more creative. Abstraction forces us to think outside of the box. Nature is full of abstraction. Spending time in nature allows our minds to view nature with all its abstraction. This stimulates our creative process. Check out some of the fine abstract art based on nature at Fine Art America.

If you want to develop your creativity, get outdoors. Take a hike in the mountains. Spend time on the beach. Go sailing. Even a walk to your neighborhood park can help stimulate your mind.

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